Solve your staffing problems with our virtual administrative medical assistant at a minimal cost

 DrCatalyst has a dedicated team of the virtual administrative medical assistant who can manage the integration of technology with your medical practice to go leaps and bounds. This virtual assistance holistically accomplishes the organizational objectives while creating multiple opportunities in the work structure and simplifying tiresome tasks that you find to be complex requiring extra time and money.

At the backdrop of the recent pandemic scenario, the healthcare industry is becoming more dependent on medical assistance that is virtual and supports offsite staff.

What are the basic duties of a medical assistant?

1.       A virtual healthcare medical assistant is always available to respond to the patients’ queries. They can clarify their problems through different means such as emails and calls. They are well equipped when it comes to documentation, payments, referrals, and transcriptions. A virtual administrative medical assistant crafts the navigation of a medical system smoothly and easily.

2.       Virtual assistants aim towards keeping the patient information safe and secure the medical records related to treatments. This is necessary to access the patient details as per the schedule at any point in time in an organized way. These assistants also examine the severances of the diseases to plan the visits accordingly.

3.       You can rely on virtual assistants to document the insurance coverage and carry out related tasks. To handle the paperwork for insurance these authorizations are very important.

Several advantages of hiring the medical assistance

Handling the appointments and responding to the questions could be very tedious and therefore, virtual medical assistant services can ease the tasks for the staff by eliminating the burden and extra labor. DrCatalyst’s virtual assistance adds multiple additional benefits to the outcome of the medical practice you are running.


In healthcare delivery, collecting the details, documentation, updating, and managing the data become quite a hassle. Local SEO for doctors can ensure the saving of productive time with their virtual management system and allow you to allot that valuable time to attend to the patients and other useful concerns. By freeing up the extra time we allow the doctors as per their needs.


In the time of the technological revolution, machines are replacing human labor in a positive way. Our virtual medical assistance is powered by machine learning and is programmed to handle the transcriptions of the conversation between doctors and patients. There is no need for dictation or prompting that can hinder the transcription method. Clinical notes can be delivered through proper transcriptions in the right formats. This is useful to integrate the notes into the electronic health records.

    Record keeping

Automating the record-keeping tasks is supportive for the clinic as it saves time in a crucial way. DrCatalyst’s virtual assistance can eliminate the paperwork and navigate the records through voice commands. It leads to job satisfaction and accuracy in record keeping.

Patient well being

Patients who are elderly and have chronic diseases, and belong to remote areas, can be highly benefitted from a virtual administrative medical assistant. They can access the services from anywhere and this builds up the engagement.


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